Awkwardness doesn’t have to kill attraction or connection with women. Learning to to ride waves of awkwardness can actually make it one something that creates hotter, more connected interactions with women!
The thing about being human is… It’s awkward!
Men and women alike are awkward, self-conscious creatures.
Because we don’t have the luxury of seeing cartoon inner-dialogue bubbles over each others’ heads, it can often seem like women “have it all together.”
You’d probably laugh (though maybe you’d feel very relieved) If you saw my inner dialogue in my many awkward moments:
“Will what i just said make him lose his interest in me?”
“I don’t know what to say next.”
“Where do I put my damn arms so I look (and feel) relaxed?”
“Do I have food in my teeth or boogers in my nose?”
“Does my belly look big?”
I am a pretty confident, self-loving woman. I spend time around incredibly confident, self-loving women. I haven’t met one woman who doesn’t feel awkward or doubt herself!
The difference between now and ten years ago is that I don’t take it so seriously. You don’t have to either!
When you take your awkwardness seriously, this is what happens:
Moment of awkwardness –> Oh god what did I just do!? (Taking it seriously) –> (I shouldn’t have said that.) Self-criticism –> Freeze, fumble or say “fU#& it” –> The moment passes and you’ve lost the connection
When you relax and accept your awkwardness as part of being human, this is what happens:
Moment of awkwardness –> Recognizing and accepting that I just felt awkward –> Saying ” I just felt awkward” or taking a deep breath or laughing (Acknowledge awkwardness light heartedly) –> More connection with a woman, sometimes even revealing a spark that hadn’t been there!
Fundamental #5 in the 10 Fundamentals of Attraction Most Men Never Learn is: Embracing awkwardness dissolves awkwardness
If you’ve been taking your awkwardness seriously, see what it’s like to start to experiment with being more accepting and light hearted with it. Or start asking other people (especially women if that’s who you feel stuck with) if and when they feel awkward. It is much easier to feel ashamed of being awkward when you assume no one else feels that way, so do a reality check!
Let us know how it goes or ask questions here on the blog.
There are some ways you can express awkwardness that create more connection and some that don’t. HOW you share makes all the difference. When you learn the rest of the 10 Fundamentals of Attraction Most Men Never Learn you’ll understand exactly how to use awkwardness to create attraction. I cover these fundamentals in Authentic Magnetism. Learn more here! It’s half price for a few more days.
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