Your relationship with your mom when you were young impacts how you see the world, relate to people, feel loved, ask for what you want, etc. It’s easy to overlook the power of this. Today we help you see how understanding your dynamics with your mom allows you more freedom, better relationships and even more success.
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What is your relationship with your mother (or primary caregiver) like?
It’s a deep, personal question, perhaps not easy to answer off the cuff. But it’s really important!
The dynamics you had with your mom, or primary caregiver, sets the stage for the rest of your relationships and life experiences!
Many clients have told me they never felt loved or approved of by their mothers and have been looking for that in all the women they’ve had relationships with.
Another client told me he learned to withhold from his mother because he realized she was too overwhelmed to handle his feelings in addition to her own. He saw he was withholding truths in his current relationship because he didn’t think she could handle them.
Still another client told me about how he had to grow up fast and take care of the rest of his family, becoming the man of the house. He now struggles with being able to receive, which has caused pain and struggle in his relationships.
The more I explore the psychological and spiritual underpinnings of being human the more I see the impact of our relationship with our mothers (for men and women both).
Today’s Man Alive podcast guest, Kristopher Lovestone, is a sex educator and relationship consultant who teaches men how to succeed in relationships through communication, integrity and empowered sexuality.
In this conversation we discussed:
- How to stop relating to others as though they are your mom, especially but not only in romantic relationships
- Boundaries and consent as a doorway to personal power
- The importance of honoring your truth, desires and needs rather than trying to be manly/the rock
- True pride vs. false pride
- The trap of attempting not to hurt others by hiding your truth and the bigger hurt it often causes later
I know it’s easy to want to avoid your mother, but I highly suggest taking 30 minutes to make sure your relationship with her is not messing up your life!
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Kristopher Lovestone is a sex educator and relationship consultant who survived six divorces in his childhood. He now teaches men how to succeed in their relationship through communication and integrity. His techniques have yielded him a wildly successful 15 year marriage that gets hotter every day, and he published his teachings in his new book Conscious Cock: The Empowered Sexuality Manual For Men. He has been called the “Einstein of relationships” and has been endorsed by many of the top male sex educators in the world.
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