As we guided them to tap into their strength and at the same time share their vulnerability, they were unstoppable. The women in the room were ooohing, aahing, sighing, even moaning. It got hot in there!
I thought about how rarely men are guided or given permission to share their vulnerable parts. You've more than likely been taught that it's weak to show them.
One of my most amazing experiences from the weekend was participating in an exercise where we wrote love letters to our future partners/beloveds. I was in a group with two men who had never done anything like this. As they read their letters I was struck by how touching their desires were. They were tender, sweet, loving and kind.
As we gathered with the larger group it was clear that other women were similarly touched by men's letters. Women even said they regained faith that men could meet them emotionally!
I can understand why you'd think it was weak to share your vulnerability. Especially without having examples of men in your life who did so. But it takes incredible strength to share your heart.
As one man shed tears in front of the whole group I asked the women if they were more drawn to him or less. They unanimously answered MORE!
Know that women are often moved by your tears, desires and tenderness. And that women often feel honored when you're willing to share with them.
But if you happen to find a woman who is mean to you when you're vulnerable, let her go. You deserve to be received with love and compassion.
With love,
P.S. I have been working on a new free video course: Confident and Relaxed with Smart Sexy Women. I'll send details soon so you can check it out!
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