Last week I unexpectedly cried with a man I was meeting for the second time!
When he asked “How are you?” my eyes suddenly filled with tears I didn’t realize were there.
As tears rolled down my cheeks I felt the intensity of the holidays and how they’re NOT always full of joy.
I recalled that the past few years, since my marriage ended, this is the time of year when I tap into sadness about life not looking like I thought it would — I don’t have the two-parent family I envisioned, or the second kid.
It’s not always easy to feel these moments of heart-ache, but each time I allow myself to, something powerful happens.
I look around and see the incredible web of support, connection, friendship and passion. I see my amazing little boy. I see that I’m doing work I love. I see that there’s actually nothing missing and that I’ve created a life full of intimacy, love and family, even though it looks different than I thought it would.
How’s life feeling to you as we enter the holiday season?
Are you suddenly aware of desires or feelings you hadn’t noticed before?
I urge you to pay attention to your heart. Rather than overriding or ignoring these feelings, remember that every feeling of sadness or disappointment is actually a guide to a more fulfilling life and love.
If you find yourself wanting sex AND love that are deeply satisfying, I have a couple things for you:
1. I opened up my last three slots in 2015 for you to get my support to have the sex AND love you want, this time around. Apply for one here.
2. Next year will start with an incredible event, the Men‘s Sexual Satisfaction Summit. It’s a free virtual event in January where 20 top sex and dating experts will cover topics like how to:
Become multi-orgasmic and last longer…for more pleasure in bed
Have more intimacy and passion by getting honest in the bedroom
Navigate women’s emotions (before, during and after sex)
Be dominant in a way that inspires women to surrender to you
Ask for and get what you want in bed (from your wild fantasies to more loving connection)
This is the most exciting event I’ve ever put together. You definitely don’t want to miss it. Keep an eye out for emails and information starting in early January.
For now, be gentle with yourself this holiday season. Holidays can be challenging, even amidst all the celebration. If you want some support, get some here.
With love,