I recently started something new, so please have compassion for me.
I ask for this for myself of course, but also because it’s a great practice for you.
It’s not easy to start something new. Whether you’re starting a new hobby or trying a new kind of sensual connection…anything you do that’s new means you’re vulnerably exposing yourself. Which feels risky!
What if you’re not respected, loved or wanted?
What if you’re attacked, resented, ignored or abandoned?
But if you don’t try new things you get stuck in old ruts that may not be satisfying. Taking a risk is often what creates newness and excitement.
Since I ask my clients to take risks, I take them too.
Drumroll please…. 😉
I want you to have more understanding and support about women, dating, sex and relationship.
So I created Behind the Curtain: A Weekly Peek Into Rare Dating, Sex and Relationship Wisdom.
These are short recordings (a few minutes in length) for men based on my insights and experience working with thousands of people over the past 15 years – men and women both.
You get effective tools and perspectives to help you enjoy yourself as you navigate the vulnerable experience of creating more intimacy and hotter sex.
The first two weekly peeks are posted on my FB page.
#1 is about how to stop being seen as a friend and be chosen for dates, sex and relationship. Note: if you’re in a relationship and would like more sex this applies to you too!
#2 is about how to handle the judgement, fear and concerns that arise in love and sex.
They are only a few minutes long and men have told me they love it!
While you’re there, “LIKE” my Facebook page so you’ll be notified of future weekly peeks. I’d also love to see your comment about your biggest insight after listening.
With love,
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